Sleepless Nights and Puddings

July 10, 2019 1 Comment

Well June has been one of those months that brought every Lady Captain’s worst nightmare – the great British weather!  This has  resulted in several sleepless nights listening to the rain pouring outside my window panicking!

The first was Invitation day which also happened to be my birthday so I would have been doubly upset if the whole day had been cancelled.  It followed a day of continuous rain where I was convinced the course would still be too wet, but thankfully all was fine.   It was a fabulous day and wonderful to catch up with friends.  I even managed to find a golf/friendship quote to read in my speech.   The two memorable points of the day for me were firstly the pudding.  If your ladies section is allowed  to have a say in the catering, for a bit of fun – try this – popular with everyone – choice of ice creams with lots of toppings – smarties, marshmallows, chocolate flakes, sauce.  It was wonderful – like being at a kid’s tea party.  The second was my surprise birthday cake and having 70 plus women singing “Happy Birthday” to me.  It was very special and one of the best birthdays I’ve ever had.


The second sleepless night came from 4am onwards the day of my Lady Captain’s Day when I could hear torrential rain outside the window.  No more sleep for me as I worried about some of the prizes I had bought (lots of plants) and all of the nibbles I had spent 3 days making (lemon drizzle cake, shots of chocolate mousse and cheesy biscuits) going to waste.  I optimistically headed up to the club at 8.30am constantly checking the weather app on my phone which said 100% chance of rain and to my absolute delight we had no rain at all the whole morning.  All the ladies were absolutely thrilled with their SR Design socks I had spent much time deciding upon getting and it was a very popular choice.  The highlight of my day was that my Dad (who is undergoing chemo currently) and my wonderful male Captain came out to the 10 th to help me give out my nibbles and drinks.  Everyone enjoyed the Ryder Cup style format of 6 holes foursomes, 6 holes greensome foursomes and 6 holes fourball better ball played in pairs recording stableford points. The overall score was an honourable tie between England and the Rest of the world and there were 1 st, 2 nd, 3 rd and 4 th  pairs prizes as well as Nearest the Pin and Nearest the Line (great hat clips for both from SR!).  All in all it was a brilliant day.


So far July has been much more settled weather wise and today we had wonderful weather for our first annual exchange where we do a straight swap of golf course with another club.  We played in 3’s and did best 2 out of 3 stableford points.  It was brilliant fun and I’d thoroughly recommend this concept if you don’t already do it at your club.  It’s easiest to do it with a club who share the same Ladies’ Day.


The next month sees lots of matches, our weekend invitation and school finishing so kids to juggle too.  I know it will be another busy one so I’ll be back blogging early August………..

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November 06, 2019


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