Winter Training and White Elephants

February 13, 2019 1 Comment

Well the weather over the last month has put paid to much golf so I didn’t have much news.  We had to postpone our “exaggerated rules” competition so it will be coming up in a few weeks time.

At our Club, the Lady Vice is responsible for the diary for the calendar year ahead so this Tuesday we played a new fun competition I decided to introduce – the White Elephant greensomes.  The idea is that you bring an unwanted gift that you may have received for Christmas or a birthday and is hanging around in your bottom drawer that is just not to your taste.  The expression “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure” sprung to mind as our gifts ranged from a camembert cooking dish to Christmas candles to an ornamental fruit bowl and a classic which was a Puttaloo.  A fun putting game you can play on the loo whilst relieving yourself!!  It was a good way of having a “cheap” competition and everyone went home with a prize.

I’ve taken the opportunity of the winter months to work on my golf in anticipation of the golfing season starting and don’t want to show myself up as Lady Captain!!  I’ve been playing golf since I was ten and haven’t had a golf lesson in about 25 years so it has been a bit of a shock to the system to go back to the drawing board.  Our pro has changed my swing plane and we’re now working on the follow through.  I thought it would be fun to share my videos with you…..

Am off to play some golf in the sun next week, making the most of time with my family and a week’s holiday before I take over at the end of March but if you have any news or questions, please feel free to share your thoughts and experiences as fellow Vice or Lady Captains………..



1 Response


March 22, 2021

Muchas gracias. ?Como puedo iniciar sesion?

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